Depression Treatment

Is Depression Affecting Your Well-Being Or Your Teen’s Future?

Is an overwhelming sense of sadness and hopelessness making it difficult for you to get out of bed, go to work, or find the motivation to leave the house? Do you feel like life has lost its luster—as if the purpose and passion you once had has slowly disappeared? Are you having trouble concentrating, making decisions, or sleeping although you constantly feel exhausted?

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Perhaps you’re raising a teenager who doesn’t have the emotional flexibility to deal with transitions or criticism, and you want to ensure their healthy development. Or maybe you are the parent of a student who is demonstrating concerning changes in their behavior. For instance, are their grades slipping? Are they hanging out with problematic friends? Or are they spending more time alone, withdrawing from school activities or social circles? 

Depression affects adults and teens in many different ways. As an adult, you may find yourself withdrawing socially or avoiding opportunities for new experiences because you feel that something is broken or defective inside you. So you inevitably lose contact with friends or interest in the things that once gave you pleasure. 

As a parent, your teen may be complaining about stomach problems, headaches, or unexplained illnesses that make it seem as if they are trying to avoid school. Or maybe you are worried that your teenager is internalizing all their stress because they often lash out or engage in risky behaviors that don’t fit their personality. 

Whether you are dealing with depression or you are seeing your child struggle with stress and self-worth issues, there is assistance available. At Alpenglow, we understand how deeply prolonged sorrow can affect a person’s life. But with our help and your commitment to change, we can lift the veil of depression and restore your sense of self and purpose so you can live with greater happiness and ease. 

Regardless Of Age, Depression Can Limit The Way You Live

In some ways, many of the reasons for the prevalence of depression overlap for both adolescents and adults. For instance, adults today feel incredible pressure to raise a family, have a good career, be healthy, and look attractive. We also tend to feel like we can never measure up to the expectations set by our parents, society, or even ourselves. Similarly, teens are struggling with being popular and fitting in at school, getting good grades, and choosing the right college or career path. And because teenagers often think in polar terms, when running into challenges or obstacles, they too can feel as if they just aren’t good enough to succeed. 

Social media is another aspect of all our lives that can slowly erode a person’s sense of self-worth. Most of us are unaware of it, but Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms compel us to compare our lives to that of other people. As a result, we spend a lot of time fearing that we are missing out on life by not doing enough—not living well enough.

All that pressure to be the “best” across the board can cause a lot of stress and self-doubt, which, over time, can morph into depression. And because depression evolves slowly, by the time you recognize the symptoms, you’re either too overwhelmed to help yourself or simply unequipped to help your child.

Fortunately, Alpenglow can help you find the light to illuminate a new perspective that will allow you to see that you are not alone, you are not broken, and you can reconnect with yourself and the world. And if you are concerned for your child, we can help your teen find value and confidence in themselves while equipping them for success as adults.  

Depression Treatment Can Give You Answers And Support

Therapy provides you with a safe space where you can put all of your thoughts and emotions on the table without holding back. It gives you the chance to work with a professional guide who can teach you how to stay grounded as we walk with you on your journey of self-discovery and healing. By identifying, explaining, and reframing how depression makes you act and feel, you can gain a new perspective that will give you the strength and confidence to start living without limitation.

One of the more important aspects of therapy is feeling comfortable in your surroundings, which is why I have purposefully designed my office to reflect the calming aspects of nature and the sky. Like going to a spa for your mental health, I’ve created an environment of intention that soothes the senses with music, visual aesthetics, and other peaceful sensations.  

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Another important aspect of counseling is making sure that you and your therapist are a good fit. That’s why, unlike most therapists, I offer a free, 45-minute intake assessment just to make sure we resonate with each other. At that time, we can discuss the concerns that bring you into therapy, identify how the symptoms of depression are disrupting your life, and talk about your hopes and goals for the future. If it turns out that you may benefit more from someone else’s services, I have many resources and associates to whom I can recommend you.

While the initial process may be a little different, our approach to healing is similar for both teens and adults. For young people, I’ll typically meet with both the parents and the teen to observe the family dynamic as a whole. Next, I’ll meet with you, the parents, alone before continuing with your teen independently. Occasionally, I’ll invite parents to come in simply to provide an overview of the progress we’ve made. 

For both adults and teens, we want to help you develop an awareness and ability to see and understand in real-time the reason behind all of the negative self-talk and fear you may be encountering. Then, we can identify and challenge any thoughts or behavioral patterns that may be keeping you stuck while building coping strategies for consciously dealing with depression instead of merely reacting to it. 

We can also teach you how to tap into your natural resources for support, engage in productive behaviors, and help you reconnect to yourself and the world around you. Ultimately, we want to help you understand yourself and empower you to make the changes that you want.  

One of the most important things you must understand is that you are not broken or damaged. You just need some guidance and help finding your own internal strength. Reaching out shows courage, wisdom, and love—for yourself or your child’s well-being. Together, we can free you from fear and sadness, enabling you to protect your teen’s development and ensuring your happiness and health in the long-term. 

Perhaps you are considering therapy for depression but still have some concerns…

I’m worried about the time and financial investment required.

In our society, we accept that our bodies need exercise and a proper diet to maintain health. However, we typically overlook that our minds and spirits also need attention and care in order to thrive. So when you invest your time and money into depression treatment, you are optimizing your health. 

I’m at a loss and I need someone to help my kid.

If you are receiving complaints from school or seeing marked changes in your child’s behavior, it’s easy to think that they are the only one who needs help. But raising a child is a joint venture that requires effort from the child, the parents, and external resources. Fortunately, my approach to depression therapy for teens can not only help them in the long run, but it also provides you, the parent, with the tools, skills, and awareness to support you in course-correcting your child as well.

I feel so awful that I don’t think I have it in me to go to depression treatment.

Just being on this page demonstrates that you have both the courage and wherewithal to make positive change happen. We understand that it may feel like you are stuck with no options. But you don’t have to tackle the world all at once. Together, we can develop a treatment plan that comes in manageable, bite-sized pieces that won’t be overwhelming. You are already here and have the momentum rolling. Why not take the next step and reach out?


Let Us Help You Heal And Thrive

If you’re an adult or the parent of a child who is struggling to find happiness or hope in the world, we can help you achieve lasting peace. Please call 267 547 3596 for your free, 30-minute consultation or click here to schedule your complimentary in-person intake session to see how depression counseling may be able to improve your life.


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