Complimentary Initial Consultation

I believe people should have the ability to assess for fit without needing to pay for a “meet and greet”. Therefore, all of my initial consultations are complementary, whether they are in-person or over the phone.
If you would like to set up a brief (5 to 20 min) phone call or an in-person consultation (up to 30 mins at the Alpenglow Center’s office), the choice is yours. You also have the option to connect briefly over the phone (5 to 10 mins) before deciding on an in-person (up to 30 mins) consultation.

What to Expect

During the Initial Consultation you will have time to ask about my approach to therapy and ask general questions about the therapeutic process, review initial paperwork and most importantly, share your goals and hopes for our work together. The goal for this initial meeting is to collaboratively determine if the Alpenglow Center is a good fit for you, your child or family. At the end of the consultation, you are welcome to set up your first appointment or to take your time thinking it over on your own- there is no obligation.
Please note: No therapy is conducted during an initial consultation. It is strictly an introduction to the Alpenglow Center and to Erica Warshawer intended to support your decision making as to whether or not you would like to initiate the therapy process moving forward.